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about me

Love of the outdoors, wildlife, and the natural environment are what excites and feeds my mind, body and soul. I wonder at the intricacies and simplicities of the patterns, colors, moods and behaviors. My artistic aspirations are fueled by the excitement I feel when I see an aspect of the natural world I would like to portray both physically and emotively.  I am driven by my desire to have my art achieve this inner reflection of my vision.

It is a commitment to my internal expectations and artistic visions that keep me expanding my repertoire of techniques and mediums. Building upon earlier work in photography and clay, followed by over three years of mentorship and training with different professional artists to help guide my drawing, plein air and still life development, my focus these last twenty years has been on drawing and painting.  

AcryIics and pastels, both oil and soft, dominate the art I do in realism and landscape, while  inks and watercolors express a more free flowing of ideas, abstractions and illustrations.  Although it is difficult to integrate these two differing styles of paintings into a single show, they are intrinsically connected within my creative process, and stimulate creation of my art.

I am an active member of the Saco Bay Artists, Maine Women in the Arts, Oil Pastel Society of Maine and the Maine All Inclusive Pastel Society. I have enjoyed teaching art at  York County Senior College since 2016. My work has been exhibited in solo shows at Dyer Library in Saco, Old Orchard Beach Town Hall, Union Station in Portland, Four Corners Gallery, as well as participating in art shows at: Sanford/Springvale Art Association, Dave Bate’s Photo Gallery, Libby Library in Old Orchard Beach, Constellation Gallery, Prout’s Neck 84th and 85th art shows, and both the Biddeford and Portland Maine Art Walks. I participate annually in “Art in the Park” in South Portland, and Saco Bay Artists Outdoor shows in Ocean Park. 

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